The legendary prehistoric civilization is not the only one "Atlantis", then this mysterious "yellow brick road" could be the remains of some other prehistoric civilization left behind?
The Earth Has Mountains Over 8,000 Metres High And Ocean Trenches Over 10,000 Metres Deep, So Why Do Scientists Still Say The Earth Is Round
There is a view that the reason why the Earth looks round is because of the role of the Earth's oceans, which simply means that a large amount of seawater has "filled in" the undulations of the Earth's surface.
Worrying! For The First Time, Man Reaches The 8,919m Deep Yap Trench And Finds Something That Shouldn't Exist
With the progress of science and technology, human beings have now begun to increase their efforts to explore the universe and the ocean. With the help of advanced submersibles, more and more people have the opportunity to dive into the deep sea thousands of meters deep for research. It is also with the arrival of human beings that we found that there are some things in the deep ocean that should not exist, which are worrying.
Although we do not know much about these two "super Earths" yet, but from the basic situation, these two "super Earths" are not suitable for human habitation
Drilling 480 metres beneath antarctic ice, the discovery of swarms of marine life changes the perception of life
Titan, a moon of Saturn, although it does not have a huge subglacial liquid water ocean like Europa, but this one planet also has a large number of lakes and oceans on its surface, which are not liquid water but liquid methane. Its atmosphere is also filled with gases like nitrogen and methane