Data returned by the Odyssey Mars Rover suggest that these slope streaks are generally found on the sides of hills and mountains in Martian craters, and that their formation may be caused by frost formed by carbon dioxide at low temperatures
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"Water Resources"
Since there are many lakes in China, many of them have the title of "largest".
Why Doesn't All The Water Seep Into The Ground But Stays On The Earth's Surface? How Is The Earth Waterproof?
The earth's water resistance comes from the high temperature, pressure and density of its interior
Has The Earth Used Less Water For More Than 4 Billion Years? Scientists Find The Answer In a Rock
The modern Earth's atmosphere is so rich in oxygen that the vast majority of this hydrogen will be re-oxidized to water without escaping from the Earth's top atmosphere
400 Million Kilometres Away, a Probe Captures a View Of a Martian Ravine, Bringing The Planet To Life
Nowadays, Mars is obviously unsuitable for direct human habitation, because the environment of Mars is very different from that of Earth, such as Mars is unusually arid, desolate and without a trace of life. Despite this, scientists are still keen to explore Mars