The modern Earth's atmosphere is so rich in oxygen that the vast majority of this hydrogen will be re-oxidized to water without escaping from the Earth's top atmosphere
Planet That Collided With Earth 4.5 Billion Years Ago Found? Scientists: It Could Be Inside The Earth
Earthquakes are a common natural phenomenon. On average, millions of earthquakes occur on Earth every year, except that most of them are so mild that they are largely imperceptible to humans.
Earth Not Safe Anymore? Scientists Reveal Four Evil Alien Civilizations: Capable Of Invading Earth
For humans, the universe is too dimensional for us to see the details of its depths for the time being
What Exactly Have Scientists Discovered And Why Are They So Convinced That Octopuses May Not Be Earth's Creatures?
Since the discovery of the first exoplanet in the 1990s, scientists have found more than 4,000 exoplanets, some like the giant gas planets of our solar system, and others like earth-like planets. Some exoplanets may have very harsh environments, perhaps as hot as venus or mercury, or as extremely cold as other planets. Of course there are also exoplanets that may have relatively suitable temperatures, may be located in the habitable zone of a star system, are a potentially habitable planet, and may even be a living planet.
Scientists Warn: Earth Could Undergo An Upheaval! Atmospheric Oxygen Levels May Revert Back To 2.4 Billion Years Ago
The earth was born more than 4 billion years ago, when it was very different from the earth of today, one of which is that the environment of cosmic space is more different.
Aliens Disposing Of Nuclear Waste? A Star With a Bizarre Spectrum Has Scientists Suspicious
Compared to iron, those rare earth elements in the universe, which are heavier than iron, are even rarer
Scientists Discover 2 Billion Year Old Nuclear Reactor, Is It True That Earth's Civilization Is Constantly Reincarnating?
Prehistoric civilization have always been the talk of the town, and it's no wonder - after all, humans have been around for so short a time in the history of the planet that if we were to compress the history of the planet into a single day, then humans would probably only appear in the last two minutes of that day. In the past, there have been frequent claims of the discovery of suspected prehistoric civilization, the most notable of which would be a two-billion-year-old nuclear reactor.
If Scientists Have Discovered Something That Shouldn't Have Existed Hundreds Of Millions Of Years Ago, Should Humanity Be Wary?
In theory, when a civilization develops into a civilization that can cross the stars, there is basically no risk of extinction
Is The Earth 'Cooling Off'? Scientists Discover That The Earth's Interior Is Cooling Much Faster Than Expected
According to some scientists, the earth itself did not exist billions of years ago, but about 4.6 billion years ago, a giant interstellar molecular cloud gravitationally collapsed to form the solar system. Some dwarf planets, moons, asteroids and other bodies that are somewhat smaller in size than the planets. This is how our home on earth was formed, but in the early days of its formation the earth was not as beautiful as it is today, the newly born earth was shown to be made up of magma, a boiling 'ocean' if you will.
Mysterious Circles Have Appeared In The Universe And Scientists Don't Know How To Explain It... Is It The Emergence Of An Advanced Civilisation?
Whichever way you look at it, humans cannot be the only intelligent creatures in the universe. As far as we know, the universe has existed for at least tens of billions of years, so a reasonable speculation is that there is probably an advanced civilization in the universe that is hundreds of millions or even billions of years ahead of humans, and if that is the case, their level of technology is something that we humans simply cannot imagine.