Everything we can see in the universe has an internal structure and they are all made up of smaller matter, so what is the smallest matter in the universe?
In essence, sound is actually a wave generated by the vibration of the object, the sound waves in the air is actually a "longitudinal wave"
Will Humanity Be Trapped In The Solar System Forever? What Would Humanity Do Without Ftl And Wormholes?
The solar system is a system of celestial bodies kept in motion by the sun's gravity, which means that all bodies within the effective range of the sun's gravity are part of the solar system, so by this definition, how large is the solar system?
The "four great beasts" of physics actually exist only in thought experiments, and their proposal helps to develop and improve the relevant theories
How Much Energy Is Released When 1 Kilogram Of u-235 Is Fissioned? How Long Will There Be Enough Uranium On The Planet For Human Use?
If mankind can master the method of extracting uranium from seawater in large quantities in the future, there will be enough uranium on the earth to last for tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years!
In the evolutionary history of human beings, the gradual increase in brain volume is an important marker
Scientists Discover 2 Billion Year Old Nuclear Reactor, Is It True That Earth's Civilization Is Constantly Reincarnating?
Prehistoric civilization have always been the talk of the town, and it's no wonder - after all, humans have been around for so short a time in the history of the planet that if we were to compress the history of the planet into a single day, then humans would probably only appear in the last two minutes of that day. In the past, there have been frequent claims of the discovery of suspected prehistoric civilization, the most notable of which would be a two-billion-year-old nuclear reactor.
How Terrible Is The Strongest Known 'Starquake'? It's The Equivalent Of a 21 Magnitude Earthquake And Would Be Too Much For Earth To Handle
Earthquakes are a natural phenomenon known to all of us, and they are not unique to the earth. In theory, any planet with a solid crust can have an 'earthquake', and for the sake of distinction, we can call it a 'starquake'. The strength of a 'starshock' varies from planet to planet, so how terrible is the strongest known 'starshock'?
The Speed Of Light Is Not The Speed Limit Of The Universe, It Is As Slow As a Snail Compared To These Speeds
The universe is so unimaginably large that even if humans were able to travel at infinitely close to the speed of light, they would not be able to penetrate its mysteries. Fortunately, the speed of light is not the speed limit of the universe, so it is entirely conceivable that in the distant future, humans may somehow be able to escape the shackles of the speed of light.
Why Is The Singularity Of a Black Hole Infinitely Small In Size And Infinitely Dense? Scientists: We'Re Helpless Too
Since gravity is actually a manifestation of gravity, and the magnitude of gravity is proportional to mass, for those objects with smaller masses, their own gravity is smaller