Theoretically, life can take many different forms, such as silicon-based life, sulphur-based life, carbon-based life, amino-life, hydrogen-based life, etc. However, so far we only know that life exists on earth, and all known life, including us humans, is carbon-based.
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Turning Defense Into Offense! In The Future, Genetically Modified Crops May Learn To Catch Their Own Bugs
Scientists have applied genetic analysis tools to study insectivorous plants. The study depicted the dynamics of calcium molecules in the leaves of carnivorous plants when insect prey landed on the leaves and were captured by sticky secretions.
A Female Spotted Hyena With Lad Parts? Is It a Genetic Mutation, Or Is It Male Incompetence?
The hermaphroditic characteristics of the spotted hyena are completely opposite to those of humans, so is the social system of the spotted hyena also opposite?